Every arrangement is unique and customized by our dedicated florist. The pictures shown are examples of arrangements we created in the past for your reference. Your actual arrangement will be designed using the freshest available blooms in hand. We carefully select the best blooms that are available in a season that suits your design of choice. If there are any specific colors or types of flowers you want us to avoid please leave a note to our designers during checkout.
Ordering is made simple and easy. Choose your price range for size, leave your notes, pay at check out, and we will take care of the rest.
Your arrangement comes with a complimentary note card with your message handwritten by our awesome staff!
A flower food packet will also be included. For longer-lasting flowers, please refer to our flower care page for more details.
Deliveries: Please include the recipient’s local phone number and buzz number for apartments at check out. We will email you a notification once your order has been delivered, along with a photo of your arrangement.
Delivery Fee: please refer to our delivery fee table here.
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