Christmas Hand-tied Bouquet Deluxe

Christmas Hand-tied Bouquet Deluxe


Wrapping: Wrapping is available in different color options. Please see the image below for reference.

Every arrangement is unique and customized by our dedicated florist. The pictures shown are examples of arrangements we created in the past for your reference. Your actual arrangement will be designed using the freshest available blooms in hand. We carefully select the best blooms that are available in season that suit your design of choice. If there are any specific colours or types of flowers you want us to avoid please leave a note to our designers during checkout.

Your arrangement comes with a complimentary note card with your message handwritten by our awesome staff so feel free to get cheesy!

If you want more customization and larger sizes than the options provided, please call us or send us an email and we will be happy to accommodate your request.

Deliveries: Please include the recipient’s local phone number and buzz number for apartments at check out. We will email you a notification once your order has been delivered, along with a photo of your arrangement.

Delivery Fee: please refer to our delivery fee table here.


Guaranteed Safe Checkout

Fiore Blossoms florists create stunning hand-tied floral bouquets, selecting only the finest seasonal blooms to match your preferred design.

Ordering is streamlined for your convenience. Select your preferred price range, size, and color scheme for the design, or let our skilled florist make the choice for you. Simply leave your notes, complete the payment at checkout, and we will handle everything else.

Each hand-tied bouquet arrangement is encased in our exclusive LUX waterproof wrapping. Additionally, a packet of flower food is provided. For extended bloom life, consult our flower care guide for further instructions.

Price Variant: $79.99 Meduim

Price Variant: $99.99 Meduim

Price Variant: $124.99 Large


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Christmas Hand-tied Bouquet Deluxe